Global Terrorism

Through the Lens of Data

Terrorism can occur anywhere.

On May 22, 2017, a suicide bombing occurred inside Manchester Arena during an Ariana Grande concert.

The blast killed 23 and injured 116, the youngest casualty an eight-year-old girl. So far, 14 people have been arrested in connection with the attack.

Stories like this seem to be increasing in prevalence. Is terrorism around the world on the rise, or is the media overly fixated on these stories for their shock value?

Terrorism has no real definition.

"Terrorism is the use of violence or threat of violence especially against civilians in the pursuit of political aims, religious, or ideological change."

"Reasonable acts of self-defense, such as the use of force to kill, apprehend, or punish criminals who pose a threat to the lives of humans or property."

"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

What does the data reveal about terrorism?

Breaking Down the Data

Which organizations are most active?

These are all the groups that have killed over 1000 people since 1970. Toggle between number of attacks and number of people killed.

Does the target affect mode of attack?

Click to see how the number of attacks changes based on the combination of attack and target type.

Which weapons have claimed the most lives?

Hover to explore types and subtypes of weapons.

Is Terrorism a Threat to You?

What are your chances of being a terrorism fatality?

In 2014, a total of 2,626,418 deaths were registered in the US. Compare the probabilty of dying in a terrorist attack to the leading causes of death that year.

Explore Terrorism Worldwide

How has terrorism changed globally since 1970?

Use the slider and hover over countries to view data from different years.

[Country] [Year]
[Number killed]
[Number attacks]

About this project

Our names are Sheen Dudwadkar, Michelle Lee, Carson Gulledge, and Grace Qiu.

This was a final project for the first undergraduate data visualization course at UW, CSE 442.

Special thanks to our professor Jeff Heer and the course staff.

The Global Terrorism Database has data on terror attacks from 1970-2015 around the world with information about location, type of attack, attack target, group responsible, weapons used, ransom notes/manifestos etc.